Day 6: Yosemite National Park. We all had a great night of sleep; I mean who doesn’t when you get 10 hours a night. It has been refreshing to catch up on sleep and wake up without a to do list for the day in the back of my mind. Staying in this duplex surpasses any expectation I had. It is so nice for myla to have her own room to sleep in, space to walk around, a couch to sit on, and the ability to let her be a child, that is loud without the fear of waking of the people sleeping on the other side of the wall. Myla and I woke up about 7 and ate our eggs together. Lyndon slept in a little longer. Then we packed our lunch to take on our hike today.
I was looking forward to our first hike. When I was out here in 2003 with my family I remember a highlight being Sentinel Dome. The distance was about a mile to the dome and the 360 view of Yosemite Park was worth every step of the steep climb at the end. On this trip, Myla has carried her teddy bear everywhere and today was no different. Myla hike all the way to the bottom of the dome! She tripped once on the way there, but got up and started hiking again once a band aid covered her knee. She would stop and play with the sticks on the path and collect rocks along the way. I loved watching her enjoying the moment and exploring the word around her with the million and a half questions in the form of how or why.
When on vacation I am always thinking about some questions in how I want to capture each day. Some of the questions include: When do I stop and take a picture and when do I enjoy the moment? When do I ask myla to look at the camera? How do I see the details and the big picture to tell the story of our day? What is Myla learning and enjoying doing at this stage of life?
After Sentinel Dome in which Myla rode back in the ergo as we were short on time, we drove a few miles to Glacier point. This Glacier Point was a cliff that looked directly down at the Yosemite Valley Floor, which was a long ways down. Just writing and thinking about what if I fell about the drop makes my stomach turn into knots. I do not love heights. Ever since I visited the Grand Canyon when I was 18 I have an acute fear of heights. After the view we headed back “home” for afternoon naps.
After naps we headed down to Yosemite Valley. We hiked the small trails of Bridalveil Falls and Lower Yosemite Falls in flip flops. If I only owned one pair of shoes it would be a pair of Clark flips flops. The weather during this season here in the park was perfect. It was warm and sunny during the daytime followed by cooler nights fitting for jeans and a fleece. I was beginning to have a crush with California and its weather!

Bridalveil Falls

jamie-let’s plan a trip together. do you know how much fun that would be??? our girls would be in their glory!!! our husbands would be so caught up in conversing that they’d forget about all of their “stress” at home & that would leave you & i to talk!! seriously…i think it would work! 😉
Yes, I use my 35 prime a lot too, just because my kit lens looks so grainy to me now. It’ a 16-55 but only gets down to 4.5 I think if I remember correctly. Definitely want something that gets down to a lower fstop.
Right before the trip i purchased the canon 16-35 L 2.8. I primarily use this lens for interiors; however I only took two lens with me and I knew I wanted wider then my 35mm prime lens for the landscape shoots.
OK, now i really want to go there. Thanks for sharing. Love you.
What wide angle do you use for these? I need a nice one. I just have my kit lens.
I love Clarks too. I have a pair of heels and sandals that I just LOVE.