This is not the first time that Michael and Mary have been in front of my camera. Nor do I expect it being the last time. I love being able to document the different stages their life with my camera, but most of all I love being so close that we can experience life together. As we headed to market last Friday morning, Michael asked, “Who would had thought that he would be living with his wife about a mile from where I lived in the city after college.” It has been about five months since they moved to Lancaster and at times I still can not believe that my little brother and wife are living in the same town. Since moving here, Central Market has become a part of Mary’s weekly routine. Mary goes to Central Market for her weekly groceries of local fruits and veggies and beef. When we discussed location possibilities I thought of market immediately and it was perfect. We started off early Friday morning inside Central Market and then continued more pictures outside and around downtown. Michael and Mary, I love the two of you together. I love how you two love one another, are content in one another, and laugh with one another! Thank you for allowing me to document this next stage of life for you two! I am so happy there will be a little one joining you two, as it’s the best!!! ENJOY!!!
Central Market is the country’s oldest continuously operating farmers’ market!!
we went to market early as to beat the business and crowd.
Michael, you are my little brother and I think you are handsome.
we stopped right in front of the candy stand. . .chocolates anyone?
love your smile Mary and I this is your pose!!
Though they are having a boy, I love the pink scarf Mary wore!
As a women, it is amazing gift to be able to carry your baby and to feel him or her move inside.
Mary you look amazing at 37 weeks!
above is a favorite. . .
We headed up to a spot to overlook the whole market. I have never done that before!
We then headed outside for some more pictures and natural sunlight!
I love these next pictures as they are next to empty produce boxes from market. It is the everyday pictures that I love.
So these steps have significance. . .
Back in June M+M came up with my parents and we all went out to dinner. I took a picture of them here before dinner.
It was the dinner they shared that Mary was expecting. Two months before they even knew they were moving to Lancaster!
one picture of the 4 of us. . .
the light in the morning was beautiful! and it did not hurt shooting at 1.2!!
Above is another one of my favorites!! I could look at for hours!
Michael, I love how you love your wife! You are an awesome husband!It was Michael’s idea to head towards the Press Room, a local restaurant. I love how Mary laughs at my brother!!
Michael loves children and I am so excited for him to experience love as a daddy!
Mary you are an amazing wife and will be an amazing mother!
So this shot rivals their wedding kiss shot! FAVORITE!!!
Back to Central Market for a couple more shots outside. . .
One last shot as we headed for the car. . .we are so excited to meet him and can not believe how soon it will be!
[…] M+M maternity session […]
I LOVE LOVE these photos. My heart is begging to come home to Pennsylvania and I was searching for beautiful photos of the places I love. They look so happy and what a lovely place to have pregnancy photos taken!
How blessed can a mom/grandmom be? Love you all!!!
AMAZZZZING photos! these are so great. you did a wonderful job. bet it made it pretty easy with such a freak’n adorable couple.
Jamie, these are precious.
beautiful jamie! great job. M & M are so adorable.
What a beautiful and fun shoot! You’re making me excited to visit Central Market next week. I’m planning on us getting our first 12 in 12 picture there! It will be nice to have someone else (Krista) to snap the shot for us!
Love the pics Jaime!
beautiful the excitement is building come on what is his name?