It is fall of 2009. We were in the middle of shooting Lyndon’s cabinetry when we found out in October I was pregnant with our second baby. This was not a surprise as we desired to have more children and have them close together. I was excited to be pregnant again and for Myla to have a sibling. The moment you find out that you are pregnant you start to dream about everything. Your mind is often daydreaming about the new life inside of you! I was no different.
This past December marks two years ago when I miscarriage our second baby at twelve weeks. The moment I suspected the miscarriage the Lord softly spoke, “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10. God was and is not punishing me, and this trial is not his wrath (as we will never experience it), but God is after something. He is after my heart. He wants me to draw near to him and learn to trust him when I cannot track his wisdom or understand what he is doing.
The miscarriage has been disorienting as I thought my life would look one way, and it is much different now, even two years later. The first year the loss and sorrow remain surprisingly strong in my heart. And being honest, the grief and pain still bring tears to my eyes. I have learned to embrace the waves of feelings surrounding the loss and to be ok when they hit. And they hit at the most un-expectant times. Something will trigger a thought, whether it is a date on the calendar or seeing a mother in the grocery store with two children, or catching myself daydreaming of being pregnant again, or being hopeful each month that I might become pregnant. The waves of emotions crash upon my heart. They are not neat or tidy like I would prefer them to be. And yet in the midst of my sorrow I know that Christ is present. He sees every tear that I cry. He made me. He knows my frame. I am not alone. He promises to never leave me or forsake me (Hebrew 13:5). Jerry Bridge states in his message trusting God, “the promises of God are as real as the circumstance you are in.”
A man can plan, but it is the Lord who directs his steps. Let’s be honest, it is no secret that I love to plan and have control. I like to know what is ahead, goals to accomplish and cross off and what is on my to do list. The miscarriage and time has shown me that God has had other plans for my life that I did not see. As December of 2009 moved quickly into 2010 I did not know what it would look like for me. I had been thinking of sleepless nights, diapers to be change, and holding a new baby. I did not think much about the role of photography in my life. In my mind photography would be used to take pictures of Myla and of Lyndon’s cabinetry. I did not dream of anything bigger beyond these two areas.
I did not understand, (nor claim to really understand even now) what God is doing; however He continued to direct my steps. Doors opened for me to shoot my first wedding in May 2010. I am forever thankful for Graham and Hannah for trusting me and giving me a chance to capture the most important day in their life! I loved everything about shooting their wedding!! A seed to a dream was planted. I ended 2010 with shooting five weddings and booking several for the next year. This was completely unexpected and a surprise that brought joy in the midst of sorrow. jamie d photography was born.
This is how God has directed my steps in the sorrow and the unknown. He has given me an unexpected gift and love of photography that I never dreamt of. He walks with us in sorrow and pain. He is not far, but near directing each one of our steps. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hearing my heart. You can read part one here, part two here, and part three here. And you know what; there is still more of my journey to share.
Graham and Hannah, Thank you for your trust and support!!
Several favorites from their wedding!
you can see several of the weddings I shot in 2010 here, here, and second shot here.
a self portrait of Myla and I on the baby’s due date in June 2010.
Myla means merciful. She is the sweetest gift of mercy to me. Myla has filled my life with joy!
Here are pictures celebrating her second birthday!
Love her bottom lip!
[…] and for our family to grow. I have shared how this desire has molded me and how it is part of my photography journey. This month marks three years of my miscarriage of our second child. My heart carries and feels the […]
[…] has helped me view this time of waiting as God defining my path, not a […]
Best post ever! Love your heart.
Jamie, I cannot even begin to imagine what you went through. It’s awesome to know that what is meant for evil God means for good. Graham and I are humbled to have even been mentioned in such a heart felt portion of your journey, especially since we saw (and still do see) your talent as an incredible gift to us.
I LOVE that picture of you and Myla together. So poignant. Thank you for sharing your life and journey into photography here. The sad and happy and the mixed. It’s good to know God never wastes our pain, but uses it to mold us into a more compassionate and stronger person.
my heart is warmed by your response to such a tragic event. as a momma i can’t even begin to imagine that loss. but what the Lord can do it amazing, and His mercy endures forever ;o)
I agree with Mary you are an amazing person and inspire me so much to trust in God…
Jamie this is beautiful!!! Goodness! So powerful! And your baby girl is beautiful! Thanks for sharing the sweet stuff AND the hard stuff. The Lord is going to use your story is more ways than you can even imagine.
Jamie, this is such a beautiful and brave post. You are such an inspiration with an amazing gift!!!