Now to put words into my feelings that are from the depth of my heart. This is my little sister and her fiance Drew. Yes, my little sister is getting married this May at my parent’s farm in Maryland. I will not only have the honor to stand up front with her on their wedding day, but to also photograph it. The feelings that rise in my heart as I type and share this honor brings tears of happiness. You see I adore my little sister and love her dearly. She is my best friend, the one I call on a bad day, the one I cry with and the first one I call to share good news too. She is my fashion stylist making sure I am not wearing black and always pushing me to try a new color. Over the years the Lord has sweeten our relationship by his grace. I was not the older nicest sister growing up and I missed out on years of her life. I am so thankful that our relationship has grown into one of the most honest, real, and genuine love for one another. She is always there for me, listening, asking how I am doing, and praying for me. Distance does not affect our ability to connect and care for one. We have walked through valleys and trials together when words could not give explanations. Through those times Laura is a faithful friend. We also have experienced many joys together.
One of the greatest joys of having a sister is getting to hear the first mention of a possible interest. And so it was with Drew. This time sparks were rekindled at a weekend with friends up in the Mountains in CO. Drew pursued Laura. And Laura wanted to be pursued by Drew. Over the last year their love for one another grew deep. Deep in the way of loving someone for who they really all. Laura admitted that it always came back to Drew. Drew was not going anywhere and had a plan to make Laura his wife! Drew called Laura’s father to ask his permission to marry her and about an hour after waiting to have the conversation our father gave him his blessings. Drew proposed a few days after Thanksgiving. I loved that Drew’s desire was for Laura to be home for the holiday engaged. He was thinking ahead and thinking of her.
We all descend to my parents home for Christmas and it was a time to celebrate Laura and Drew. The plan was to take one picture for Save the Date cards and well…I kept photographing them. This is the result; many images that I love of their love and happiness together!! Laura and Drew’s love for one another is evident. I have not seen her happier and this makes my heart full. I can not wait for them to become husband and wife come May! Laura and Drew thank you for allowing me to capture you two! And one other thing that my sister does is occasionally check and proof my blog post as words are often out of order or completely left out. She did not proof this post so its all me! ENJOY!!!
this was the one picture needed…
Love these two above!
Drew…thank you for loving my sister!
Laura you have a beauty within that shines out!
A favorite of you Laura!! and in black and white…yes please!
This motorcycle belongs to my father. It’s a vintage 1970 Triumph.
another favorite…
i love your ring…perfect choice Drew!
Yes…this is another one that I could stare at for hours!
and then it started to snow…so we headed back outside for a few more photographs!
I’m so excited for Laura! And these are lovely, and the snow! What a fabulous surprise!
You are so fabulous, Jamie! Love these…your sister is beautiful.
These are gorgeous!! I love the snow ones! beautiful work
These photos are gorgeous! Jamie you did a great job capturing the love that Laura and Drew share. I was smiling the entire time I was looking at them. And I can relate to the change in relationship with a younger sibling…the same has happened with Bryan and I. He is truly one of my best friends. Can’t wait to see the wedding photos!!!
I love these so much and can’t wait to see the shots of the actual wedding!! Congrats, Laura!!
Love your photos, Jamie…and you are right…you can see the love and happiness of Drew and Laura…congrats…looking forward to May…Congrats to all…
congrats laura + drew!! So exciting and you look fabulous laura – jamie well done! I can’t wait to see wedding pictures
so pretty laura & jamie! i adore the snow pictures!!!
Congrats laura!
These are mind blowing and unreal! Fantastic job Jamie!!!! Congrats Laura and Drew!!!!
Jamie thank you! Your talent is crazy good but more than that I am so thankful to have a sister and best friend who knows and loves me the way that you do. Thank you for everything…and you hardly needed my help at all with that post. Way to go lady!
BEAUTIFUL, Jamie. Just like you and your sister, beautiful! How glorious it is that the Father has chosen to bless Laura and complete our family with Drew! Talk about hearts full to overflowing!!
To quote a dear friend who knows us all very well, “Buckle your seat belts; we are going for a wild ride!” So looking forward to celebrating here at the farm!
Lovelovelove!!!! Yayyy Laura and Drew!!!! Xo