I decided to share another ten things about me. Here we go! Happy Friday Monday!!
1. I was a vegetarian from 8th grade, which got me out of dissecting a pig in high school Science class. I was a vegetarian until I was a sophomore in college. Now I love a good burger with bacon and cheese.
2. Growing up my family would camp in the Shenandoah Valley. I grew up enjoying camping. Now that I am older it is a must to bring my own pillow and ear plugs to sleep in a tent. I hope to take Myla camping this year.
3. I can not count the times that I have watched and re-watched Pride and Prejudice. It’s a favorite movie and I love the banter between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. It makes me fall in love with my husband all over again which is the best part.
4. I organize my silverware in my dishwasher. No joke. Forks have a spot and its different then the spoons. It makes unloading easy, no sorting necessary.
5. I can not sing. Not even carry a tune let alone stay on key. When Myla was born I learned one song to sing to her. I use to have to look at the words written down to get through the four simple lines. Thankfully Myla still likes me singing her this song before bed, though I do not know how much longer it will be this way.
6. My preferred dress: jeans, t-shirt and bare-feet.
7. I have learned recently that this one trait of mine does not only belong to me but my mother and her mother. I collect or I should say hold onto paper bags and boxes. Part of it I like to think that I am helping the environment by recycle and reusing bags or boxes, but there is no reason to have enough for two full shelves in the closet. This winter I purged and now only have several boxes and only one drawer in the kitchen for bags.
8. I recently got bangs. I still like them even after my mother sent me a picture of the same haircut when I was five!

9. On my wedding day I went bare foot.
10. I absolutely LOVE that my husband works with his hands and has the ability and skill to create. He does amazing work. He is amazing. And today I am hanging out with him photographing editing his work!
That mug looks real familiar !!!!!!
Love the ballet pictures and an hour of reading, ahhh. I need to do that a bit more too. Looks like you’re catching up on Kinfolk. My favorite photographic inspiration these days!