Time Away: St. Lucia

Once we were married and about to have a baby, there was one piece of that was often repeated: Make sure you make time to get away. You agree with the person and nod your headed up and down. Of course you will make time for the two of you, why wouldn’t you?  Some how the business of life and the time to plan a getaway becomes harder. You have to think about vacation time off, who will watch the little one, the planning and organizing a trip, the saving for the trip, organizing school schedule, and packing. However; time away together will not happen unless you make it happen. No one can make it happen for you. While Lyndon and I both agreed whole heartily it was important to get away the two of us, we too found that life is busy and its hard to carve out the time to get away.

This year for Christmas Lyndon surprised me with a trip. A trip just for the two of us away! I was so excited! Then we began to have to plan and get the trip set on the calendar. We chose Ti Kaye in St. Lucia based off our travel agent’s recommendation when we asked for an off the beaten path secluded resort.  For us this was the first time in five years (since Myla was born) that we had time away together. Of course we have had an overnight tonight without Myla; but not time to unwind, unplug, and to fully relax together for an extended period of time with no responsibilities. I would have never thought that we would grow to love the beach so much. We go with the plan of doing nothing but sit at the beach all day every day with a good book and uninterrupted conversation. We did not leave the resort and go exploring, we enjoyed the quietness of the resort and the sunshine on the beach and delicious meals. The perfect combination for us. It was worth all the planning and scheduling to make this time for us. Being a mother your mind is filled with responsibilities of your child or children and your home. Being away from these responsibilities allowed me to give my full attention to my husband without interruptions. It also gave me time to myself and space to think. I would encourage you to do the same, make time for the two of you. If you want a secluded, eco-friendly resort in St. Lucia, this place is for you to get away and have no responsibilities. ENJOY!!!


our villa for the week.It was also called GG for short. It means “all dressed up”One of the features of our room was an outdoor shower.the view from our porch.The dining room area.there is about 162 steps going down from  the main lobby to the beach. I counted.one evening we headed to the beach for some pictures. my husband was kind to go along with me.the sun set early here too which surprised me.i was expecting later.

dinner was always after the sun had set so there are no pictures of us dressed up or the amazing food they served.

a morning at the spa helped me relax even more and was such a treat.

This was the restaurant where lunch was served. Not a bad view at all.

Lyndon went scuba diving while I ….

head up to our porch to read the manual and load the first roll of film in my new Contax.

the path from our villa to the main restaurant where we ate breakfast and dinner.

we learned the first day that once you have any food at your seat you do not leave or the birds will have your meal.

omelet, fresh fruit, local grapefruit juice, coffee and a beautiful view.

this was the most beautiful intensive sunset, so rich with color.our last morning we spent a few hours at the beach soaking up every last drop of sunshine…And on the way to the airport we took the road west (there are only two roads) and we got to see the Pitons-the classic landmark.


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it looks like heaven on earth! so glad you could get away and spend quality time with your husband 😉

Wow, what a gorgeous and relaxing looking place! To be honest, the Caribbean islands have never appealed to me, however these pictures have changed my mind! Perhaps because what’s in my mind is Sandal’s commercials, lol!

My sister’s bridal shower

It was a weekend in February filled with wedding planning, meeting with vendors, and of course celebrating my sister at her bridal shower. Laura flew home for this long weekend and it was such a joy to be able to be a part of her wedding planning and hosting her bridal brunch along side two other bridesmaids that are here on the east coast. Being her sister I did not want to miss out on the wedding planning and talks of colors and details due to distance. This weekend together allowed us girls to be with her and a part of all the wedding plans. The shower was full of tasty food, pieces of wisdom shared, a beautiful bride to be, and years of friendships. I was completely overwhelmed to look around the room at all the women who attended and to know the influence and friendship that they have been to Laura and our family over the years. Some as long as thirty years. Talk about loyal and faithful friends. It was amazing and filled my heart with gratitude and love. I must also thank Laura S. for opening your lovely home, setting up, and baking, and for Mary for setting up, baking tasty quiches and our favorite chocolate cake. I will also say it was a joy to watch my sister get excited about kitchen gadgets. Thank you for all who came and celebrated Laura! ENJOY!!!

Favors were shortbread cookies tied with Laura’s grandmother’s gold string.I should have been taking notes. The wisdom shared by the ladies on marriage was invaluable to hear how to love our husbands.

All I have to say is that we ate so well this day!

A little DIY: spray paint bottles gold and you now how a pretty vase.

The sign was perfect and in gold too from Southern Weddings found here.

some glitter and sparkle to the day!

One flower girl happy to celebrate her Aunt Laura!As Laura opened the gifts each women shared their piece of wisdom.My mother is so creative…her wrapping is a vintage map of Baltimore!

And the best part was inside the box…her vintage clothes that she wore leaving her wedding and one outfit from her honeymoon!

And two pictures of her wearing the outfits!

And then there was dessert: Beatty Chocolate cake and French Creme with fresh berries!

my mom and my sisters!East Coast bridesmaids

and one of my sister and I (she is only taller as she is in heels!)

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Love all of these photos!! Jamie, you did a great job capturing Laura’s shower…all the decor is too cute! Love all the family photos as well. Laura you look beautiful! Everyone looks so happy! xoxo

such a beautiful shower honoring your sister! :)

Tyler Connell

Absolutely magical! Wishing you all the best! Lots of love and blessings.

Andrea Lang

GORGEOUS, in so many ways, wish we could have come out twice. You throw a beautiful party and of course you document it so lovely. May will come fast, what joy it will be to celebrate with you all. Blessings to you and certainly Laura as details come together. :)Andrea

Refocusing to Move Forward

We have been back a little over a week from our trip to St. Lucia. As we planned this getaway for the two of us I was looking forward to having uninterrupted time to talk with one another. Last year was extremely busy and full for both of us. Then we moved right into a kitchen remodel when it would have been our down time. I’m learning how important it is for us to discuss what worked and didn’t work for us, our businesses, and our family life. I love looking back and taking time to purposefully reflect how God has been faithful and to seek the direction he is leading us for this next year.

I first want to express how grateful and appreciative I am for each person who has asked me to document a moment in their life through photography. It is truly and honor to have your trust and confidence to photograph significant moments that are a part of your life. And a thank you for all who check, read, and comment on this blog. It’s become a place where I can share my journey, parts of the everyday, and photographs.

Now to dive right in without interruption the main part of the conversation discussed together was the purpose and role of photography in my life and the affects both good and bad it had on our family, and what changes need to be made to move forward this year. What I share are my personal wrestling as we attempted to evaluate and refocus jamie d photography. I’m warning you this post became long as I sought to clarify and define photography honestly and openly in my life.

Starting with the purpose. About half way through last year I began looking at goals accomplished and ones that still needed to be accomplished. At this point I recognized that I had not photographed any of Lyndon’s custom cabinetry. Photographing my husband’s craftsmanship for his business was the original purpose of photography for me. We attempted several dates; however they either got cancelled or my schedule was already full. I recognized that my full schedule did not allow room for my original goal in photography. With each new opportunity we discussed how it would work and our schedule. During last year we thought I could manage the number of shoots and responsibilities of running a business part time. However when actually writing down and looking back the number of shoots and time spent it was clearly not a part time. It was never our intention to have my schedule be full time.

Here comes the struggle. Honestly this has been one of the biggest struggles of owning a small business and the conversation that comes up often. I love what I do. I love the people I photograph. I love giving the gift of moments captured that can not be repeated. I love to work. I love to create. I love my husband. I love my family. Despite how much I love work I have learned that my full schedule was not serving my family. It is even hard for me to call it work.

I wrestle with the thoughts that I could or should be able to do it all, but truth is I can not. I recognize that I have limited capabilities. Limitations are good and I needed to recognize what will be best for me and my family within my limitations. Everyone has different capacities. Each season of life will also lend itself to variable capacities. A little encouragement, do not look around to what others are able to handle and compare. And a little advice, if you are married talk to your spouse and make sure you are within your capabilities for you and your family. I had to admit that my mind was overwhelmed and often preoccupied with my to do list for the business. While we did seek to make changes during busy weeks (like getting a babysitter and choosing not to work at night) my mind remained focused on the business. I put expectations and deadlines on myself. I knew that I felt busy last year, but when my husband graciously expressed that he wants me to enjoy photography, have it serve our family, and not have me running at my fullest capacity I could not agree more with him.
We continued this conversation at lunch while sharing a banana split as the waves crashed against the restaurant. What should photography look like in my life and our family? Here are some of our conclusions for our family. I am first to be a wife, a mother, and then a photographer. These roles come with responsibilities and these roles need to stay in this order for me and my family. My desire to do all three areas that God has called me to for his glory.

I first need to be a steward. Photography is an expression of a talent that the Lord has given me, not only to serve my family but others as well. It is a gift I recognize that I can use to document and photograph moments that carry emotion, weight, and significance. It’s always an honor to be behind the camera photographing moments of life. I look forward to capturing a bride stepping into her wedding gown and seeing a grooms expression when he sees his bride for the first time. I love photographing the colors, layers, textures, and details that are designed with talent to combine all these elements to make bare walls come to life. I love it all and look forward to photograph more of these moments.

Second, photography it will serve my husband’s business. This is not negotiable, it’s a must. He is the one who got me started in photography in the first place. I do like to think of us as a husband and wife team. I love working with my husband. I love photographing his design and craftsmanship. Seeing his the final projects completed and in homes being enjoyed by his clients is such a rewarding feeling. Hopefully you will be seeing more of his work here this year!

Photography will serve my family by documenting the everyday moments in our home and the big celebrations too! My daughter continues to be my most favorite person to photograph. I want to have time to edit our own family photos. I confess I still have Christmas, maybe even Thanksgiving to edit and many more random dates from last year.

We are moving forward with a clearer and more purposeful direction the role of photography will look like for us. Let me tell you how good it feels to purposefully take time to think and discuss the direction of our lives. I am thankful to have a plan that allows me to be a wife, mother and photographer. All things I love to do. I have been so thankful for these honest and open conversations with Lyndon and hear his feedback. Overall, as we move forward it will mean booking fewer weddings per year, being in charge of our schedule, seeing that my home is in order, that I will be present and my mind available for my family and home, and more time to photograph my husbands work. And to end with a few pictures of our restaurant for lunch for the week in St. Lucia where there was time to think and talk uninterrupted.


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Wow, Jam, this is big stuff. I’m glad you and Lyndon had the time and space away that allows for perspective…. I look forward to talking to you in the weeks to come to see how you’re doing.
Love you!

You are lovely. Love your heart. Love your vision. Love you.

Such good, yet hard conversations to have, but in the end so freeing! Josh and I had a similar one as we started this new year. Knowing I’m called to homeschool my kids in this season has meant I have less time for the duel roles or writing AND photography. Prior to this year I was able to do both easily. However, I can only do one well on top of homeschooling, so for me, writing is my passion above all so I’m putting my photography aside (for clients). Oh, I will do an occasional for repeat clients, but it won’t be something I “market” or “pursue” and I’ve had to say no to several opportunities. It’s hard for me, because I know I could excel either path I choose. But I would lack peace. Now I have such peace knowing I’m doing what God wants, and God’s already been opening up so many writing opportunities! I know you’ll experience such peace too as you are so purposeful with your time.


I am so very pleased to be married to you. You continue to provide an excellent example to me of a person who is sensitive to the spirit and quick to evaluate and refocus your calling. You are the hardest working, most committed person that I know. There is no doubt that you could ride the wave of “success” as far as you wanted to. But sometimes real success looks different than how the world would define it. Sometimes real success means that we place solid bookmarks on either ends of our “busyness.” Your skill in photography will always keep you in high demand (even more so now), but it is your vision for our family that makes you truly unique.
Well done Jamie d.

Jamie – I know how hard this is personally. Last year as you know I sat down for weeks looking very closely at what my top priorities were. Photography is a blessing in my life. But in this season it is not where I am to spend the majority of my time. It is to bless me with an outlet for the creative eye God has so graciously given me. I will be praying specifically for you now and trusting God to bless your heart to serve Him first in all areas of your life.

You are a gift and treasure. So blessed to call you friend!

First… Bravo!! All of what you said is so true! As photographers it can be hard to “let go” of the “work” that is always going on in our minds and keep our roles in proper order. I feel that tension as well and have had many conversations with Keith about keeping this job in perspective (both in my mind and in reality!!) So…just to encourage you – bravo!

Second, (and far less important) – that banana split looked like it was AMAZING! :)

Lyndon Sentz Published: Baltimore STYLE

This by far is my most excited and proud moments that I have the honor to share!!! In this month’s publication in Baltimore STYLE magazine Lyndon Sentz is highlighted in the article Design’s Next Wave. Lyndon is one of the six up and coming artisan who “will have a hand in how Baltimore looks in the years ahead!” Yes, this custom cabinet maker is my husband and I could not be more proud to see Baltimore STYLE feature him!

One of the privileges of being married to Lyndon has been to watch him grow Lyndon Heath Cabinetry over the last seven and half years. It start with a vision and conversations of one day owning his own custom cabinetry business. Over the years there have been hours spent setting a vision, building a barn to have a place to work from, planning, learning, meeting with interior designers, architects, and builders, seeking wisdom, extra long work weeks to complete a project on time, and striving for excellence. Along with the hard work and craftsmanship that Lyndon has built into his business there are many interior designers, architects, and builders who have trusted Lyndon Heath Cabinetry for their projects. I must say thank you to the loyal interior designers, architects, and builders who Lyndon Heath Cabinetry has the privilege of working on amazing projects together. Through Lyndon Heath Cabinetry, I see Lyndon using the talent that God has given him to create pieces of wood and transforming it into beautiful cabinetry and furniture to be used and enjoyed by others. Congratulation Lyndon, I am so proud of your work and you!




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Well deserved credit for a hard working and talented man! Way to go Lyndon!!!


Instagrams: February

We started off the month with a wet basement from a leak but ended February the best way by going away together to a warm sunny beach in St. Lucia.  It was nice to have time away and time to just relax. We return late Monday night and I am slowly getting back to the office details and blogging.First February Instagrams which include a little from our trip. ENJOY!!!

A  pipe busted in our new kitchen and our basement was drenched in water. It was spraying water for hours.

The worst part was that I was home but thought it was the dishwasher running.

We started dating this month 11 years ago and went through old love notes.we were cheering for the Ravens in the Super Bowl for sure!I sent out a little Valentine treat to the best clients ever!I had a date day with my girl in which we ended up at Terrain and had a little treat together.Valentine’s Day with Pops and Grande making pretzelsmy favorite flower from my love on Valentines.

Valentine dinner request: crepes

Some DIY glitter projects for my sister’s bridal shower. She was a great helper. More pictures to come.She tied her shoe all by herself. She is working me out of a job!

Picking up Daddy from train station as he headed back from New York City.

Aunt Laura’s Bridal showerWe were up at 4 am to make it to the airport on time.  Twelve hours later we arrived at our resort in St. Lucia.The porch was one of the best parts of the Villa we stayed in.

In the morning I would sit and read, listen to the birds and wait for the sun to rise.There was only several decisions we had to make each day…what time to eat. Me on my way to breakfast.

And on the last day of February I loaded my first roll of film in my new Contax I got a day or two before we left.

I have been waiting for this.

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AHHH! welcome home and love all the pics, Jamie! xo


Such a fun month!!!
Not a fun basement leak. & after all of the kitchen projects that you guys just completed. :( but i do love your “hunters” & didn’t know you owned a pair! they are on my wish list. 😉
Terrain!! did you get anything??
Crepes!! They look SO freakin good. I want one so badly!!!!!! yum.
Lauras shower- I’m sure it was so beautiful!!! So excited about all of that.
& St. Lucia. I can’t wait to hear ALL about it.

I just posted mine today too! Ah, Terrain. Still want to go there! And your trip to St. Lucia looks amazing.