Tuesday was bright and sunny and yet the car temperature read 28 degrees. I was driving down to the southern part Lancaster for my family session with the Odell Family. I loved that they decided their home as the location for their family shoot. They live in an old farm house which is very similar to our farmhouse with the two front doors. I love the feel, character, and history of old farm houses that cover Lancaster County landscape. Their home is warm and welcoming. The Odell’s are a family that I love and adore how they all seven of them love being together as a family. The care and support they give to one another is an example and inspiring to me. Their conversations are sweet and there is laughing and joking carrying on in between shots of them together. I so enjoyed my time with you all and thank you for coming out into the cold for one more shot! And then for one more shot! Thank you for allowing me to freeze these moments for your family while everyone is together in your home.
We took several family portraits inside before we braved the cold and the wind.
Their home is filled with fresh baked breads and veggies from their garden in the summer time.
I love these shots of the girls in the kitchen together!
I love this picture, a mother with her children.
Think of all the memories that have been created from each one of them being a part of their family.
I love this one of you Abby!
I love how each sibling express their own interest and decided to include them in a shot!
How many times have they traveled up the steps to the walk way that leads them to their home. . .
Thank you for coming out in 28 degrees for this one more shot! It is my favorite!
And one of me with my friend, Shannon!

These are wonderful. I know we will treasure these for the years to come. Thanks for capturing the details of our home. I love your line about sitting on our brick walk, the one we’ve traveled up to the walk way that leads to our home. . .
Yeah!! Love the Odells!
What a fun shoot! And what a beautiful farmhouse. I grew up in farmhouses so I definitely have a “thing” for them.
Bright pink, touches of purple, and shades of yellow. . .more pictures and details of this room to come.
and of course one picture of me in the mirror from this shoot.

[…] seeing the sneak peek of bright pink, touches of purple, and shades of yellow? This is a guest room that Amanda Austin […]
This was a personal project or goal that I set for myself this year. Well, it began in 2010 at attempting to take a picture of the three of us once a month for the whole year. I failed in 2010 but then tried again this past year. I was inspired by Tara Whitney, a photographer in CA who was doing this with her family. I am happy to say that I have a picture of the three of us from each month this year! These were taken either by the self timer, holding the camera out in front of us or the easier route of asking someone to take our picture. These are snapshots into our year together as the three of us. Join me in taking twelve pictures again in 2012!January: There was nothing but snow and we loved! I have decided if it is going to be cold I then want snow!
February. . .not the best picture and it captures us playing “match” as Myla calls it.
March, we went camping overnight together; eating pizza and s’mores at night around a camp fire.
April: Easter pictures. I always feel too pale this time of year and want summer to arrive soon.
May: We love picking strawberries together at a local farm by us. This picture was taken one evening after
eating picking them.June: This was on Father’s day! Myla has the best daddy! and I loved my purple dress that I should have got 5 all in different colors!
July: My birthday month. . .and this was the month that we only had one picture of the three of us!! We were at the 4th of July parade in Lititz.
August: Myla’s birthday month-she turn three. Myla loves bear so we grabbed a family picture with each of us are holding our own teddy bear.
September: Trip to CA. . .my favorite night in Napa Valley.
October: Apple picking. Our favorite apple was the Cameo! Crisp and sweet!
November: Getting our perfect Christmas tree. . . love getting it early and the smell of the tree in our house!
December: Lyndon’s birthday month and Christmas celebration with many traditions!

[…] photo project: 12 in 12 (one family picture a month, inspired by this post). Yes and no. I did not successfully capture each month. However, I have more family shots than […]
[…] This was something I attempted to start in 2010 and failed. I tried again last year and completed it! You can see those pictures here. […]
[…] Personal photo project: 12 in 12 (one family picture a month, inspired by this post). […]
[…] was inspired at the end of last year by Jamie to take 12 pictures of our whole family once a month for the year. I thought this was a great idea, […]
[…] and I put on my new snow boots ready for our walk. This walk gave me an opportunity to take my first one of twelve pictures of the three of us for the year! I took four pictures using the self timer. I had a bag of […]
[…] Personal photo project: 12 in 12 (one family picture a month, inspired by this post). […]
I’ve heard of many personal photo projects but never this one. I love the idea and think I’ll join you in 2012 doing this project as well. I’m not good at all about getting family photos. Lots of kids pictures and lots of pics with Josh, but not with me. This will challenge me to do so once a month! Thanks for sharing your year and the idea!
What a wonderful treasure trove
Love u guys
Aunt Pat
I love my family ! ! ! ! Each of you is so great!! :)))
Oh this is just toooooo stinking cuteeee!!! Love them all!! xo
what a sweet way to remember the year and especially to see how our kiddos change and grow so quickly before our very eyes! Delightful.
Christmas started last Thursday when Lyndon, my husband gave me an early Christmas present. . .an iPhone! Talk about a distraction when I still had a LONG to do list before we packed up the car on Friday and head to Maryland to celebrate Christmas! I was ready to put away my to do list and enjoy time with my family. Since I am the last one in my family to have a smart phone the newness of having one is years past for everyone else, but me. I needed lessons of how to hang up a call, how to group text, and how to download my first app-Instagram! I decided that I would attempt to document Christmas by taking pictures with Instagram. This has not replaced my Canon 5d mark ii; however it was fun to be creative with the square composition. And well let’s be honest, be on my new iPhone. I have given myself one week to be full absorbed in checking email, texting, taking pictures, and posting on facebook all from my iPhone. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas time with friends and family.
Christmas Eve tradition. . .Shrimp Scampi (my grandmother’s recipe)
We now have two hunters in the family. . .but you really can not see them since they are in their camo.
My grandmother also made my stocking years ago and hand sewed each sequence on.
I carried on the tradition and sewed Lyndon and Myla matching ones.Myla and I made cinnamon rolls in the morning together.
I was surprised that they turned out after I boiled the milk (which the recipes says not to do), overflowing all over the stove,
and as I go to clean under the stove it more spills, but this time onto the floor.
So I add more milk, guessing amount that overflowed and stir in the remaining ingredients.
You can find Pioneer Women’s recipe here.
A long standing Christmas morning tradition: Dutch Babies served with strawberries from the summer. The magazine is dated 1982.
Yes we are all adults, and we still have to wait outside the family door and absolutely no peaking!
Opening Christmas presents take hours. We all take our time and watch one by one and I love how long it last!
My grandfather, Pa. I am so thankful that he is with us each Christmas.
You would never guess his age and that he still rides a motorcycle.Myla and my mom painting with her new paint set. . .
Myla and her new doll house.
The day after Christmas we head to Lyndon’s mom’s home for more Christmas!
Myla jumped up and down when she discovered that she got a shopping cart!
And Lyndon said he felt the same way when he open his new helicopter though there was no jumping involved.
It was time for dinner and Myla fell asleep on Lyndon’s lap. She stayed asleep all through dinner until it was time to leave.

Question….where did you get the mini trampoline from? I have been looking for one for my kids forever and can’t find one just like you have pictured here. I’d love to have somewhere for them to channel all their energy throughout the winter.
Fun stuff! I might be buying an iphone this week, actually, so excited to see how good these pics are! Hope you had a wonderful holiday. And those cinnamon buns sure look good. That recipe has been on my list of things to make for a while now!
LOVE!!!! All of these are so cute and totally capture the weekend!! Amazing job.